Mike Ebert
About Mike >

As the founder of Firedancer Coffee Consultants, Mike is dedicated to helping clients create a personalized strategy to ensure long-term success. He works primarily with roasters, producers and retailers, drawing from his extensive experience in all facets of the specialty coffee supply chain to guide clients in reaching their potential. Ebert is an Authorized SCA Trainer; holding the professional level certificates in Green Coffee, Sensory Skills, Roasting and Brewing. He has had a hand in many positions up and down the supply chain and continues his volunteer work with the Specialty Coffee Association’s Education Advisory Council as Co-Chair of the Education Content Committee.
More About Firedancer Coffee Educators
Through a multidisciplinary approach to education that combines technical and hands-on learning, our students consistently succeed in the real world. Since we opened our doors, we’ve helped countless individuals achieve their career and life dreams.
We are committed to providing excellent education, training, and resources so that our students will thrive in today’s competitive world. With flexible program options and great instructors, we’re sure you’ll be satisfied with your education.
Our Educators are committed to coffee! We love every aspect of the specialty coffee and tea industry, and we love teaching students of all skill levels about it as well. From roasting, brewing, and advanced barista skills to tea tasting, blending, and flavoring, each of our instructors has years of experience in the trade. Check out our bios below and feel free to contact us with any questions!
Renee Espinoza
About Renee >

Renee Espinoza manages the education programs for Firedancer and can assist clients in the design and development of their training programs for specialty coffee. Espinoza is an Authorized SCA Trainer; holding the professional level certificates in Barista Skills, Brewing and Roasting. Renee was co-chair of the first Professional Development Committee for the SCAA. She has extensive experience in events restaurant and café management as well as the creation and implementation of employee training programs. Renee is also a past board member of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance and current Founder of the newly formed US Women in Coffee Association which is a US chapter for the IWCA.
John Gozbekian
About John >

John is a 42-year veteran in the Specialty Coffee, Tea and Botanical Industry. During his coffee career in coffee and tea, he was successful in roasting, green coffee buying, blend development, beverage innovation, and the development of education and training programs. John is an Authorized SCA Trainer, holding the Professional level in Roasting, Sensory Skills and Brewing. He is also credentialed to teach the Tea Craftsman courses. Most recently, Gozbekian was a Beverage Insights award winner with BJ’s Restaurant Brewhouse for his development of iced tea and cold brew coffee concentrate development.